This cocktail was first created by one of history’s finest female bartenders, Ada ‘Coley’ Coleman at the Savoy Hotel in 1903. Being the only female head bartender of the Savoy Hotel to date, she was able to make the drink shine by adding Fernet-Branca, her secret ingredient. The clashing sweetness from the vermouth against the undertones of bitterness from the Fernet-Branca makes for a complex and astonishing drink. Add in squeezed orange juice to balance out the Fernet-Branca if it’s too strong or dry to help you smooth it out for your taste. 


  • 2 oz London Dry Gin
  • 1 oz Sweet Vermouth
  • ¼ oz Fernet-Branca
  • Lemon Twist (to garnish)

Tools You’ll Need:

Preparation Steps:

  1. Prepare a Nick & Nora Glass or Coupe Glass.
  2. Combine ingredients in mixing glass filled with ice. 
  3. Stir rapidly with a mixing spoon to chill.
  4. Using strainer, pour contents of mixing glass into the glass 
  5. Garnish with a Lemon Twist.